From the moment you saw him flash a grin, you were hooked. He could hold a whole room with rapt attention when he tells a story, and you felt butterflies in his stomach every time he said your name. You couldn’t get him off your mind.
Fast forward a few months and the glow around him has started to fade. Just because you were instantly attracted to him doesn’t mean he’s ready for a relationship with you. If your man acts like this, he might be better eye candy than future husband material.
He won’t commitYou know he has feelings for you, but you’ve been together for a while and he still can’t say “I love you.” If he flakes on dates, won’t admit his feelings, or squirms away from conversations about the future, he might be holding out for what he thinks are “better options.”
He storms off Conflict is a natural part of relationships. But if he walks out in a huff or won’t respond to your phone calls, he doesn’t have the emotional maturity to work through these issues.
He takes much more than he givesIf you rearrange your weekend schedule to spend more time with him and he wouldn’t do the same, that might be a red flag. He shouldn’t expect you to be at his beck and call and not surprise you with flowers every once in a while.
He ignores your boundariesBoth parties in a relationship need to compromise at times, but we all have boundaries for a reason. When something is clearly making you uncomfortable, an emotionally mature partner will recognize your needs instead of telling you to “get over it.”
He plays the victimOh, it’s never his fault. Everybody else just goes out of their way to make him feel bad and there’s nothing he could have done in those situations.
Puh-lease. There’s always some degree of culpability. An emotionally mature person wouldn’t get defensive and deflect blame; he would ask what he could do to make the situation better.
source: Women Working