Malik, a 24-year-old epileptic man, has reportedly taken his own life using a gun in Atonsuagya, a community in the Asante Mampong Municipal of the Ashanti Region. The sad incident occurred on Wednesday morning, April 26, 2023, as confirmed by the Assemblyman for the Atonsuagya Electoral Area, Hon David Awuni.
According to Hon Awuni, the deceased placed the gun on a wall before pulling the trigger, which hit him in the chest. The father of the deceased revealed that he had interacted with his son after returning from the farm, and the young man had parked his father’s motorbike before going into his room. Unfortunately, the father heard a gunshot and discovered his son lying in a pool of blood when he rushed into the room.
It is unclear what triggered the suicide, but reports suggest that the young man had always been worried about his health condition, which led him to isolate himself from others. Sources further reveal that the gun used in the act belonged to the father.
This is a tragic incident that has left the Atonsuagya community in shock and sorrow. The family and friends of the deceased are undoubtedly devastated by this loss, and our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.