The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has issued an order for the destoolment of Nana Kwame Owusu Agyeman, the chief of Antoa, a renowned town in Asanteman. Nana Kwame Owusu Agyeman, who has held the position for more than 20 years, has been accused of breaching customary procedures by appointing his nephew as his successor during his lifetime. Additionally, he faces allegations of engaging in the multiple sale of lands.
The ruling by the Otumfuo was delivered during a sitting of the Kumasi Traditional Council on Monday. The destoolment process has since commenced, with the necessary rituals and protocols being carried out.
Antoa, the town in question, is widely known for its river deity, Antoa Anyaman Bosom, which has a reputation for dispensing swift justice. The Antoa shrine holds significance throughout Ghana as a sacred site for oathing rituals and arbitration of disputes. Individuals involved in a case present themselves at Antoa for the deity to resolve their conflicts, and rituals are conducted to seek relief from the deity’s oaths.