In the Upper West Akim District of the Eastern Region, a distressing incident unfolded on June 26, 2023, involving a 16-year-old junior high school graduate named Maa Adwoa. After making the difficult decision to terminate her 8-month pregnancy, she found herself in critical condition.
According to the report, Maa Adwoa purchased a herbal concoction from a local herbalist in exchange for GHC 400. Reports suggest that she consumed the mixture in an attempt to terminate her pregnancy.
Despite the advice of her parents, who urged her not to proceed with the abortion, Maa Adwoa remained determined to carry out her plan.
Following the ingestion of the herbal concoction, Maa Adwoa experienced intense pain and collapsed, seeking relief on the floor. She was promptly rushed to the hospital to receive medical attention.
Due to the unavailability of a functional ambulance in the area, Maa Adwoa was transported to the hospital on a motorbike, highlighting the challenges faced in accessing urgent healthcare services.
Initially admitted to Adeiso Hospital, she was later transferred to Nsawam Government Hospital, where she is currently undergoing medical treatment. Regrettably, hospital officials have confirmed that the fetus did not survive.