In a heartbreaking incident that has shocked the community of Wamahinso in the Asutifi North district of the Ahafo Region, a second-year student, 17-year-old Diana Oppong, tragically lost her life allegedly due to an assault by her boyfriend.
Diana Oppong passed away on Saturday, July 29, 2023, at the Sunyani Regional Hospital, where she had been receiving medical attention since the distressing event unfolded.
The suspect, identified as Kofi, is also a final year student at the same institution as Diana, the Jedu Technical and Vocational Institute. It is reported that the tragic incident occurred on July 18, 2023, following a heated misunderstanding over a purported pregnancy between the young couple.
According to witnesses, Kofi reportedly subjected Diana to a brutal attack, leaving her severely injured. The young girl collapsed as a result of the alleged assault but later regained consciousness and took the brave step of reporting the incident to the Terchire police station. There, she was provided with a police medical form to seek the necessary medical attention for her injuries.
Diana was initially treated at the Terchire Health Centre, but due to the severity of her condition, she had to be urgently transferred to the St John of God Hospital in Duayaw Nkwanta. However, her condition continued to worsen, and she was subsequently moved to the Sunyani Regional Hospital in a desperate bid to save her life. Tragically, despite the efforts of medical professionals, she could not be saved.
Mr. Boakye Yiadom, Diana’s grieving grandfather, spoke to GhanaWeb in a heart-wrenching phone interview, revealing the immense pain the family is enduring. He described Diana as a vibrant and beloved member of both their family and the entire community.
“We are devastated by the news of her passing because she had her life ahead of her and she was loved by many people, but this incident has cut it short, so we are in great pain as a family,” Mr. Yiadom expressed.
In the wake of this devastating loss, the family is appealing to the authorities to ensure that justice is served for Diana. They seek closure and accountability for the alleged crime that has left them shattered.
Meanwhile, Kofi, the suspect in this tragic case, has been arraigned before the Duayaw Nkwanta Magistrate Court. He has been remanded for two weeks and is scheduled to reappear before the court on August 11, 2023.