Renowned Ghanaian singer, Efya has disclosed that she was embarrassed by a social media post by artiste manager and entertainment pundit, Nana Asiamah Hanson popularly known as Bullgod that she only finds interest in partying with Nigeria’s Wizkid without joining him to perform on international stages.
In a Facebook post last month, Bullgod expressed disappointment with how Ghanaian musicians are missing out on opportunities to sell their craft on huge international platforms.
“So R2Bees and Efya can chill with Wizkid anytime he’s in Ghana but can’t join him on international stages an showcase their talents?” Bullgod had posted.
But in a promotional video of Atuu to be aired on UTV tomorrow, August 26, the Best in Me hitmaker said she has a good relationship with Bullgod who could have easily called her to express his views but chose to say such things on social media to embarrass her.
“I know Bulldog, he could have chosen to call me but he decided to sit on social media and say that to embarrass me. How does that help me as an artiste mentally,” she stated.
This is the first time the four time VGMA Vocal Artiste of the Year has directly responded to Bullgod’s comments which undoubtedly revived conversations about Efya’s perceived lack of interest to explore her music potentials to the fullest.
In the yet to be aired interview, Efya also talked about her reason for adding Nocturnal to her name.
“I find it difficult sleeping at night so that is why I added Nocturnal to my name. It looks like I’m always active in the night,” she stated.
source: Graphic Online