An 85-year-old woman named Maame Abena Kyere is currently fighting for her life at the Ajumako District Hospital after a brutal assault allegedly driven by accusations of witchcraft.
Reports indicate that a 55-year-old woman, Adjoa Adensa, is responsible for inflicting cutlass wounds on Maame Abena Kyere. Adjoa Adensa accused the elderly lady of being behind her personal misfortunes, leading to this shocking act of violence.
This horrific attack unfolded in Enyan Ankukrom, located in the Ajumako Enyan Essiam District of the Central Region. Adjoa Adensa had also leveled accusations of witchcraft against Maame Abena Kyere in connection with mysterious deaths in their neighborhood.
According to an eyewitness, Adjoa Adensa stormed Maame Abena Kyere’s house in a fit of anger and began attacking her with a cutlass. The elderly victim’s cries for help alerted neighbors, who rushed to her rescue. Residents intervened, pushing Adjoa Adensa away from her victim, and promptly reported the matter to the police, leading to the arrest of the suspect.
The family of Maame Abena Kyere is now demanding the prosecution of the perpetrator. They have revealed that this is not the first time their grandmother has been subjected to such a vicious attack. In their plea for justice, they have appealed to the Ghana Police Service and Inspector General of Police (IGP), George Akuffo Dampare, to take action.
This incident follows recent legislative developments as Parliament passed a bill aimed at curbing witchcraft accusations. It also recalls a similar incident that occurred in June of this year in Sangbana, which nearly ignited tribal tensions in the district.