In a shocking turn of events, the Kaneshei District authorities have detained two individuals, Michael Adzormani, aged 25, and Alfred Avomyo, aged 32, both professional drivers, on charges of allegedly being involved in the murder of at least six online application-based ride-hailing drivers.
The accused individuals are suspected to be part of a criminal syndicate that, for the past three months, has been orchestrating a sinister modus operandi. They would reportedly book rides through popular online ride-hailing applications and, during the journeys, allegedly strangle the unsuspecting drivers to death before making off with their vehicles.
The case, brought before the Kaneshei District Court and presided over by Judge Nana Abena Owusu-Omenyo, has taken a grave turn. The court has adjourned proceedings to October 19, 2023, granting a request by the police for additional time to conduct further investigations. The authorities are actively pursuing four other suspects who are currently evading arrest.