The Circuit Court at Yendi in the Northern Region has sentenced a 45-year-old farmer, Abubakari Numburu, to five years in prison for making death threats against the District Chief Executive for Chereponi. The conviction is based on Section 75 of the Criminal Offences Act 1960, Act 29.
The prosecutor, D/C/Inspector Nicodemus York, stated that the accused, a resident of Kwame Nansoni in the Chereponi district, made a threatening call to the District Chief Executive, Nashiru Zuwera Muda, on November 20. The threat conveyed was, “I will kill you if you dare enter Chereponi.”
Following the report of the incident to the Chereponi police, the suspect was identified and apprehended with the assistance of National Security officials. During his caution statement, the accused admitted to the offense, leading to his conviction by Judge H/H Justice Francis Ayamwuni Asobayire, who sentenced him to five years in prison.