A horrifying incident occurred on Thursday, December 28, 2023, at Amasaman Three Junction in Accra, where a mother of two, Esinam Vivian, operating a pub, was brutally murdered by her ex-husband.
Reports indicate that Esinam Vivian had legally separated from her ex-husband due to persistent threats and abuse. Despite the dissolution of their marriage, at around 2:00 pm on Thursday, the ex-husband, armed with a pistol, forcibly entered the pub and shot her three times before fatally turning the gun on himself.
Disturbing videos of the tragic incident have been circulating, revealing the lifeless body of Esinam Vivian lying in a pool of blood. Another video depicts the ex-husband, grappling with his own injuries and surrounded by responding police officers.
The details regarding the survival of the ex-husband, who was taken away by the police, remain unknown. The deceased and her killer, who share two children, had their marriage dissolved by a court following an application by Esinam Vivian.