The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu has once again condemned the student riots which took place on the campus of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology on October 22, 2018. He sent a message to the residents of University ‘Katanga’ Hall and Unity ‘Conti’ Hall to stop their violent behaviour ‘in the name of culture and tradition.’
Speaking at a special congregation for students who pursued Degree and Master’s program at the school, he said: “any lewd male student behaviour in the presence of female students in the name of culture and traditions is not justifiable under any circumstances.”
The Asantehene described the incident as shameful and said, “it brought embarrassment to the university.”
The school had to close down for weeks after the students destroyed properties during a peaceful demonstration which turned violent.
The Asantehene’s intervention calmed things down and the school was reopened for the students to return to school.
by: Nana Asabere