In a devastating incident on Sunday, July 2, 2023, three individuals lost their lives when a 23-seater sprinter bus, bearing the registration number GR-6046-21, experienced a burst tyre. The unfortunate event occurred during the early hours of the morning as the bus was ferrying passengers from Ablekuma to Kasoa.
According to a report from, the collision occurred at a high speed, resulting in several other passengers sustaining injuries of varying degrees. Eyewitnesses at the scene revealed that the ill-fated vehicle was traveling at an excessive speed, leading it to somersault three times along the George Walker Bush Highway near Awoshie Water Works.
The impact of the crash was severe, causing significant damage to the bus and leaving the passengers in a state of distress. Prompt medical assistance was provided, and both the deceased and injured individuals were swiftly transported to an unidentified hospital for preservation and medical treatment, respectively.