The Queen Mother of Agona-Abodom, Nana Abena Mensewaa is begging the general public to help her as teenage pregnancy is getting out of hand in her area.
“The situation is heartbreaking”, she said.
Nana Abena Mensewaa told reporters that they have done all they can but the girls are not listening to them.
“We have asked them to tell us their problems so that we can help them but they do not listen to us” and she stated they more and more girls are getting pregnant.
Nana Abena Mensewaa is begging the government and the general public to come to their aid.
Teenage pregnancy is one of the reasons why most young girls drop out of school.
Early this year, a teenage girl killed herself after finding out she was pregnant.
In 2014, 750, 000 teenage pregnancies were recorded across the county with Central Region topping the list.