The Acting Inspector-General of Police, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, has directed the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Headquarters to provide technical support to Bono Regional CID to investigate the murder of three persons at Abesim in the Bono Region.
The murder case involves Richard Appiah, a 28-year-old architect, who is suspected to have murdered 12 and 15-year-old young men and a yet-to-be-identified man whose bodies were found in his living quarters at Alaska near Abesim on Friday, August 20, 2021.
The Police in collaboration with members of the community arrested the suspect, Richard Appiah who is currently in Police custody assisting the investigation.
The Acting Inspector-General of Police, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare has also commended the police and the community for the swift response in arresting the suspect, and entreated that civil-police collaboration should be deepened to promote peace and security in the society.
Police in a statement indicated that on August 20, 2021, one Thomas Adjei aged 56, reported that at about 5:30 pm on the same day, his stepson Richard Appiah came in for his12-year-old son, Louis Agyemang Junior, who has since not returned.
That same day around 2300 hours the complainant and his four brothers called for the arrest of his 28-year-old stepson, Richard Appiah, an architect/Surveyor on suspicion of knowing the whereabouts of his son.
“Police together with the complainant and suspect proceeded to the house where the suspect resides in Alaska near Abesim. Surprisingly police found the deceased lying in a supine position in one of the rooms.”
The Crime Scene Mgt team led by the Regional Crime officer Supt. Kennedy Adusei and the Sunyani District Commander, Dsp Francis Humado after conducting a thorough search in the house found another dead body cut into pieces and kept in a double door fridge in one of the rooms.
“The second deceased was identified to police as Stephen Sarpong aged 15 years.
“The bodies have since been sent to the Mentukwa private mortuary for preservation and autopsy as regional and Municipal mortuaries are full,” the statement added.
source: Citi Newsroom