Former Finance Minister Dr. Kwabena Duffour, has announced his formal withdrawal from the upcoming National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearership contest. During a press conference held on Friday, Dr. Duffour cited his grievances with the party’s primary election processes, particularly regarding the voters’ register, as the reason for his decision. He claimed that the exercise has been marred by numerous irregularities, which the party leadership has not adequately addressed. As a result, Dr. Duffour said he will no longer run for the NDC flagbearership but emphasized his commitment to the party and its grassroots supporters.
“As at this time, the party has begun distributing the ballot papers to the various regions and constituencies without our involvement. I wish to reiterate my commitment to the party and grassroots; however, my concerns that the party is not ready to conduct free and fair elections are evident for all of us to see,” Dr. Duffour said. He went on to explain that participating in an election that is flawed with irregularities, despite his efforts to draw attention to them, would be like drinking from a poisoned calabash.
Earlier on the same day, Dr. Duffour withdrew a lawsuit he had filed against the NDC, alleging discrepancies in the party’s voters’ register. The NDC contended that it had rectified most of the errors identified by Dr. Duffour’s team. However, his lawyers withdrew the case on his behalf, and the court subsequently struck out the injunction application they had filed.
Despite Dr. Duffour’s withdrawal, the NDC primaries are scheduled to take place as planned on Saturday.