The Sunyani Regional Police Command has arrested Nana Poku for using the Office of the President to allegedly defraud residents in the region.
The middle-aged man allegedly defrauded his victims by taking several amounts of money from them and promising them jobs.
The suspect allegedly promised to secure his victims jobs in the security services, including the Police, military, and fire service, among others.
He also allegedly promised them jobs in the civil service.
Details emerging indicate that he had taken money from his victims to the tune of GHC 1.9 million.
Nana Poku is said to have used forged letterhead from the President’s and Chief of Staff’s offices in his activities.
Agya Kwame of Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm reported on Nyankonton Mu Nsem that his actions have shocked residents in the area.
Some have accused him of posing as a presidential staffer and a close associate of the chief of staff.
The police have since launched an investigation into the matter and have encouraged others who have fallen victim to the suspects’ alleged fraudulent activities to come forward and assist them with the investigation.
source: Rainbow Radio