George Yirenkyi also known as Kobby, a 28-year-old farmer who also owns an information and video centre has been found dead at the premises of the centre at Assin Awisem in the Assin Fosu Municipality.
The Twifo Praso Police Commander, ASP Charles Addai Boateng, confirmed the tragedy to the GNA, saying the police had a distress call from the wife of the deceased at about 11:20am on Wednesday that her husband was missing.
According to ASP Boateng, the wife said the deceased left the house after he had a phone call around 23:00hrs on Tuesday and he did not return.
The next morning, his wife gathered some boys to mount a search for him but he was found lifeless on a student mattress in his video centre.
The Assin Awisem police went to the scene and saw the lifeless body with no visible marks of assault except a whitish fluid which was alleged to be sperms on the private part of the deceased.
The body has since been deposited at Twifo Praso Government Hospital morgue for autopsy and further investigation is ongoing.
source: Ghana News Agency