Korkuvi Atiga, a farmer residing in Fodome Lormnava, a farming community within the Fodome Traditional Area of the Volta Region, has been granted bail in the sum of GH¢10,000 with one surety by the Hohoe Magistrate’s Court. This decision comes in response to allegations that Atiga allowed his domestic animals to stray into neighboring farms, resulting in damage to crops and other related incidents.
Atiga entered a plea of not guilty to the charges leveled against him and is scheduled to appear in court again on March 14, 2024.
According to the prosecutor, Frank Azila-Gbettor, Atiga, who engages in the rearing of sheep and goats, was repeatedly reported to the Environmental Health Officer of the area for releasing his animals to roam freely, causing destruction to the crops of his neighbors.
In response to these complaints, an officer from the Environmental Health and Sanitation Unit visited Atiga and advised him to construct a pen to contain his animals and prevent them from straying. Despite this counsel, Atiga allegedly neglected to take appropriate measures.
Furthermore, it was noted that Atiga failed to properly care for his animals, resulting in disturbances to the community due to their loud mating noises during the night.
Despite repeated warnings and interventions, including the capture of stray animals by the Municipal Environmental Health Unit, Atiga persisted in allowing his animals to roam freely.
In August 2022, five of Atiga’s stray sheep were captured, and despite assurances from Atiga that the offense would not be repeated, similar incidents continued to occur.
The situation escalated in December 2023 when three stray sheep were apprehended on a community member’s farm and subsequently taken to the Fodome Helu police station. Despite being instructed to report to the Environmental Health Unit to assess the damage caused to the farmer’s crops, Atiga failed to comply, leading to his summons to court.
The prosecution emphasized Atiga’s repeated disregard for advice and warnings, which ultimately led to his court appearance.