Ladies, let’s be real, the vagina needs extra care. However, there is a tall list of things that we keep doing wrong that can lead to vagina infection, itchiness, and soreness.
A healthy ‘honey pot’ is worth diamonds!
Queens, how do you ensure that your vagina is kept happy and healthy at all times. There are so many myths about the vagina but here are some tips that will bring comfort to your “nature’s treasure”.
Disinfect your razor blade and change blades often
Well, we know some ladies like to keep a ‘hair pie’, keeping a hairy vagina is not bad as long as it is in a hygienic condition.
There are so many misconceptions about hairy vagina, but the truth is pubic hair reduces friction during sex!
The big question is, do you want your “lady cake” shaved, trimmed or waxed?
Make sure that all the tools, gadgets, equipment, instruments…, are kept clean. Thoroughly wash and disinfect all materials before and after use. If possible, use disposable razor blades.
When shaving, keep the area wet and moisturize the skin after shaving to prevent irritations and discomfort.
Avoid using unprescribed douches
You might have heard the popular saying that the vagina cleanses itself, yes it does! There is absolutely no need for all the douches.
Trust me, experiencing odor “downstairs” can be a bit disturbing.
However, the vagina should be handled with care. Avoid introducing harsh materials into the yard! Some products tend to upset the natural balance of organisms.
Not all feminine hygiene products are safe. Make sure that it is prescribed by a physician.
Way to go ladies! Let’s keep the little “red wagon” smiling at all time.
Use mild for washing undergarments
Healthy vagina matters! Avoid using hard detergents and bleaches to wash your panties and underwears.
Also, do well to thoroughly rinse your panties with enough water, leave it to dry before use.
Wear cotton panties, they are the best!
Panties made of spandex or nylon traps heat and doesn’t allow the “honey pot” to breath. Fabrics like cotton are the best for underwears.
Make it a habit to change your underwear regularly.
source: Ghana Web