Sometimes the hardest part of dating can be having to tell someone you’re not interested. Rejection – the giving or receiving of it – isn’t always easy.
So how do you reject someone in an honest, clear and kind way? Men are sharing the nicest ways they’ve been turned down, and explaining how they’d want someone to reject them in the future.
1. “‘I think you are a wonderful person, but I just don’t feel any attraction for you. Im sorry.’ It was the first time a woman was actually honest and didn’t try to say that I’m ‘too much like a brother’. It was refreshing and I gained a massive amount of respect for her.”
2. “Straight up and honest. After the first date I called her a few days later to see if she wanted to hang out again, and she said, ‘Hey I think you’re great, but the chemistry just isn’t there’. Kind, honest, direct. You can’t go wrong. I thanked her for her honesty and I have always respected her for her honesty since then (we’re still social media friends).”
3. “‘Sorry but I’m not interested in a romantic or sexual relationship with you’”. Clear, succinct, and to the point.”
4. “‘I’m not interested in dating right now, but thanks that meant a lot’.” I’m not even sure why, but I’m like… cool?”
5. “‘I don’t have feelings for you, and I’m so sorry but if I’ve learned anything it’s to not stay and try to force feelings’. We were talking for like three weeks but it was an awesome rejection because it also gave me advice for the future as well!”
6. “A very blunt, ‘No thank you’.”
7. “If you aren’t going to say ‘yes’ then a fast, polite and clear ‘no’ is the nicest option. Don’t give people false hope. Don’t waste people’s time. I would add that there is no need to apologise. People have right to say ‘no’. There’s nothing to apologise for.”
8. “Politely declining and commemorating them for asking is the best way to go about it, and doing this will most likely make them feel better about rejection.”
9. “‘Thanks, I’m flattered, but I’m not interested’.”
10. “‘I think you’re attractive, but I’m not romantically interested in you’.” Always nice to pair rejection with a compliment.”
11. “I asked a woman to a dinner and a movie, she politely declined with, ‘I would but I’ve been talking to someone for a few weeks and it wouldn’t be fair to either of you’. I appreciated her up-front honesty.”
12. “Any time I get a straight answer I’m thankful. It doesn’t even have to be particularly kind. Just don’t play games.”
13. “‘Oh I’m not interested, but I know it was probably hard to ask me out. I’m sorry. Hope you have a nice day.’ She was a sweet girl. I wish her nothing but the best.”
source: Cosmopolitan