Former Ghanaian soldier Michael Molley, also known as Gago or Rambo, has shared a story of an emotional moment with former President John Agyekum Kufuor. In an interview with Kofi Adoma of Kofi TV, Rambo claimed that Kufuor came to meet him in New York, pleading with him to return to Ghana with him. Kufuor reportedly had intelligence that suggested he could be killed within a week if he returned alone.
Rambo said that despite his desire to stay in America and retire to keep his pensions, he returned to Ghana with Kufuor. He also mentioned that he had foiled two attempts by military officers to overthrow Kufuor during his tenure.
However, Rambo stated that despite the promises made by Kufuor, he has not received any compensation for his service, and is currently struggling. He said, “All the things President Kufuor promised me, as I speak now, not even a dollar or a cedi has been given to me. I have zero. I am really suffering… He never gave me a car, I have been trekking up and down to countries working… you cried in New York when I told you I was not coming to Ghana because I still had 5 more years to go on retirement and returning to Ghana would mean that I would lose my pensions.”
Rambo also expressed his disappointment with the former president, asking “So, Mr President Kufuor, are you happy that I’m suffering?”
Watch the full interview as he narrates his stories in the video below: