In a shocking incident, a 25-year-old man, believed to be involved in ‘sakawa’ activities, was apprehended in Agona Swedru by teachers from the Awutu Obrachire Secondary Technical School. The suspect’s alleged crime involved attempting to collect used sanitary pads, ostensibly for mysterious rituals.
Details of the incident suggest that the suspect approached a female student from the school, offering her GHC100 in exchange for collecting and packaging used sanitary pads. Disturbed by the bizarre request, the student promptly reported the matter to her teachers.
Swiftly responding to the alarming situation, the teachers devised a plan to apprehend the suspect. They instructed the student to contact the individual, informing him that she had successfully packaged the pads and that he should come to collect them.
Without hesitation, the suspect responded to the call and agreed to meet the student at a specified location. Upon his arrival, he was confronted and detained by the teachers, who subsequently handed him over to the Bawjiase District Police Command.
During the apprehension, the suspect reportedly faced not only detention but also physical assault by those who had captured him. The true nature and purpose of the ritual involving used sanitary pads remain shrouded in mystery, as the police continue their investigation.
Local residents have revealed that such activities, which often involve individuals referred to as ‘sakawa boys,’ are not uncommon in the area. It is alleged that these individuals pay young girls to carry out strange and unsettling tasks as part of their enigmatic practices.
The police have initiated a thorough investigation into the matter.