In a tragic incident that unfolded in Kuano, located in the Eastern Region of Ghana, two brothers, Moses Tetteh (50 years old) and Tetteh Kwaku (48 years old), engaged in a deadly altercation that resulted in the death of the younger sibling, Tetteh Kwaku.
The source of the dispute was allegedly a missing GH¢10, and the situation was exacerbated by the siblings’ excessive alcohol consumption.
As reported by UTV news, both brothers were known for their heavy drinking habits, which often led to confrontations.
On the fateful day, Tetteh Kwaku discovered that his GH¢10 was missing and immediately suspected his elder brother, Moses, of taking it. In response to his suspicions, Tetteh Kwaku armed himself with a cutlass, believing Moses to be the culprit. He accused his brother of theft, and the situation quickly escalated into a physical brawl. Even the intervention of their parents failed to quell the heated dispute.
During the altercation, Tetteh Kwaku used the cutlass to inflict several wounds on his brother. In self-defense, Moses grabbed a nearby fufu pestle and struck Tetteh Kwaku on the neck and jaw. The fight only came to an end when Tetteh Kwaku fell unconscious.
Eyewitnesses promptly rushed Tetteh Kwaku to the hospital, but tragically, he was pronounced dead upon arrival.