Bright Ofori, also known as T.I, unemployed, has been remanded into prison custody by the Twifo-Praso Magistrate’s court for allegedly killing his friend, Mohammed Hadi over GH¢10 debt at Assin Awisem in the Assin North Municipality of the Central Region.
His plea was not taken and will reappear on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.
Mr Ofori, 24, visited his friend, Mr Hadi, 35, to claim GH¢10 owed him, but this generated a misunderstanding between the two, and Mr Ofori allegedly hit Mr Hadi with a stick and he collapsed as a result.
Detective Chief Inspector Joshua Kusah told the court, presided over by Mr Festus Nukunu, that the incident happened on Saturday, January 16.
He said the Assin Awisem Police, which has jurisdiction over the Awisem community, received a report of the murder at about 1830 hours and quickly rushed to the scene.
The Prosecution said the victim was sent to Assin Awisem Health Centre for treatment but was transferred to St. Francis Xavier Hospital at Assin Fosu and later referred to the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital (CCTH), where he died the following day, Sunday, January 17, 2021.
The body is currently at the CCTH morgue awaiting postmortem.
source: GNA