In Awutu Bawjiase, within the Awutu Senya West District of the Central Region, a 30-year-old mobile money vendor named Francis Larbie took his own life by hanging. The suicide is believed to be a result of a GH₵15,000 debt incurred after Larbie fell victim to mobile money fraud.
Larbie, employed as a mobile money vendor, received a deceptive call from fraudsters who falsely claimed that his sister in the United Kingdom had sent him items requiring immediate retrieval. In the process, he lost GH₵15,000, a portion of the company’s capital.
After discovering the fraud, Larbie informed his employer of the unfortunate incident, only to face mounting pressure from the boss to repay the lost amount. The boss claimed to have taken a loan for the company and insisted that Larbie settle the debt.
Allegedly, the boss intensified the pressure by repeatedly calling Larbie’s wife during her church service, demanding repayment. Despite numerous attempts, Larbie did not answer the calls.
Upon returning home, Larbie’s wife discovered him hanging in their room, having apparently committed suicide using a sponge.
In the aftermath of this tragic incident, the bereaved family has refused to repay the money owed to the employer, attributing Larbie’s suicide to the relentless pressure exerted by the boss.