The Kasoa Divisional Police Command has successfully arrested two Nigerian nationals, Ikena Chiwetalu (38) and Christian Odikah (34), in possession of an AK-47 assault rifle and 48 rounds of ammunition. The arrest took place during a routine stop and search operation conducted by police patrols at Lamptey on the Kasoa-Amansaman main road on July 13.
Police sources reported that while carrying out the search, officers observed a sprinter bus heading towards Kasoa from Amasaman with five male adults on board, including the driver and his mate. The behavior of three passengers aroused suspicion, prompting the police team to conduct a thorough search.
During the inspection, the police discovered suspiciously wrapped leaves believed to be narcotics in the possession of Ikena Chiwetalu. Further investigation of the vehicle led to the shocking find of an AK-47 assault rifle, a magazine loaded with 28 live ammunition, and another 20 live ammunition concealed inside a dove body lotion container. These items were cunningly hidden in a black backpack beneath one of the seats.
According to the bus driver, identified as Kofi, he and his mate pointed out the suspects, along with another Nigerian, as the owners of the backpack. They claimed that the individuals boarded the vehicle from the Amasaman train line.
Although one of the suspects managed to escape, the apprehended individuals are being prepared for court to be remanded for further investigation.
In a separate case, the Kasoa Akweley Magistrate Court has already convicted the two accused persons on narcotics-related charges, sentencing them to serve 24 months each. The court has adjourned the substantive case to allow the police to complete their investigation and prosecution at a higher court, as it lacks jurisdiction over such serious matters.