A notorious gang leader, who was known for terrorizing illegal miners in the Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality of the Western Region, has reportedly been gunned down by unknown assailants. The slain individual has been identified as Agye Nyame Sulemana, also known as Sulley. According to an article on 3news.com, the incident was confirmed by Justin Afful, the Assembly Member of the Benso Electoral Area.
Afful explained that Agye Nyame Sulemana was killed while returning from an operation with his gang members. He and his fellow gang members were reportedly shot by unknown assailants. Agye Nyame Sulemana was rushed to the Effi Nkwanta Regional Hospital but did not survive.
According to the Assembly Member, Agye Nyame Sulemana’s gang had been terrorizing residents in the electoral area. They would block roads and rob innocent people of their valuables, using weapons such as guns and knives. The gang had reportedly been intercepted by the Ghana Police Service following a tip-off.
The police also arrested two other gang members who sustained minor injuries during the attack. They are currently in the custody of the Tarkwa Police Command.
Meanwhile, the spouse of Agye Nyame Sulemana, Maame Rejoice, has denied reports that her husband was an armed robber. She also stated that she has yet to see the corpse of her husband, although she has been informed of his death.
The incident has caused concern among residents in the area who have been victims of the gang’s activities. The police are currently investigating the incident to identify the perpetrators of the attack.