A woman named Felicity Opoku has been released from police custody at Juaso after she painted her cell with her faeces.
Opoku was arrested after she broke into a Pentecost elder’s room and stole ₵50.
After she saw that she has been caught breaking into the room she eased herself in the elder’s room and started eating it.
She told those who caught her that she is mad, lives with her brother who is a soldier at Atonsu in Kumasi and has also run away from a prayer centre.
She then said she thought the room was a public toilet that is why she entered the room.
Opoku was sent to the police, however, after being unable to get any family member to bail her, she told the police she would bail herself.
The following day, the police officers had no option than to release her as she had painted her cell with her faeces.
The police struggled to clean the place as they could not bear the bad smell.
According to residents of Juaso Nkwanta, Opoku is known for eating her faeces when she gets caught stealing.
According to some residents, she was once allegedly raped by four men when they caught her stealing from them.
-The Post