The liver is a very important organ situated under the rib cage of a person on the right side of the abdomen. It just likes the size of a football and plays a critical role in digestion and detoxification of the body. A damage to one’s liver is detrimental to one’s health.
A liver problem can be inherited (genetic) or other factors such as viruses and overuse of alcohol can cause a scar on the liver and it’s s technically known as cirrhosis. It’s a life-threatening condition.
JAUNDICE – The skin and eyes become yellow and pale. The yellowish and pale hue of the skin and eyes is as a result of bilirubin (bile pigment) build-up in the body which cannot be excreted from the body as a waste product.
SWOLLEN ABDOMEN – The swollen of the abdomen is known as ASCITES. The swollen abdomen looks like pregnancy due to retention of fluid, albumin and protein in the blood. Though ascites can be caused by several medical conditions, cirrhosis is known to be the common factor of it. Cirrhosis is mostly caused by constant and excessive drinking of alcohol. The swelling could also happen around the ankle; so, the next time you see a swollen abdomen or ankle, that could be a sign of a liver problem.
ITCHY SKIN – A persistent and long-lasting itch on the skin might be as a result of a liver problem. Skin irritation results from the inability of the body’s fluid to flow which most commonly manifests on the surface of the skin in flaky, itchy patches.
FATIGUE– Chronic exhaustion, muscle and mental weakness maybe as a result of a liver problem which may be deteriorating to liver failure. Chronic fatigue can have a great impact on the lifestyle of the patient.
DISCOLOURED STOOL AND URINE– When liver damages, it results in changes in the colour of urine and stool of the person involved. The urine may turn dark yellow due to increased levels of bilirubin in the patient’s bloodstream. There are also changes in the bowels movement which may cause irritation and constipation.
NAUSEA– As stated earlier, a liver problem has an effect on digestion of the patient. Most of the time, indigestion and acid reflux are experienced by the whoever has a liver problem. This causes the person to experience nausea.