An unsettling incident unfolded in Accra, Ghana, where a man in a military uniform allegedly stabbed a driver affiliated with the ride-hailing cab service, Bolt, during a traffic dispute. The driver, who suffered significant blood loss, was later revived by medical personnel at Deseret Hospital in Santa Maria.
According to reports from, the driver had warned the soldier about reckless driving prior to the altercation. In response to the driver’s caution, the unidentified soldier reportedly assaulted him and ultimately stabbed him in the head.
A passenger named Michelle Frimpong, who was in the victim’s car at the time of the incident, provided a harrowing account of the events leading up to the alleged stabbing. She stated that a 4×4 vehicle behind them attempted a dangerous overtaking maneuver, leaving the driver with no choice but to either veer off the road or allow the vehicle to scrape their car. In an attempt to communicate their displeasure with the reckless driving, the Bolt driver lightly tapped the back of the 4×4.
Frimpong further narrated that the driver and passengers requested the other vehicle to use their indicator before overtaking to avoid such hazardous situations. However, this seemingly innocent interaction escalated when the occupants of the 4×4 car confronted the Bolt driver, forcibly pulled him out of his vehicle, and proceeded to assault him. In the midst of the altercation, the soldier, who was one of the occupants of the 4×4, allegedly stabbed the Bolt driver in the head.
Prompted by the alarming turn of events, bystanders quickly intervened and noticed the driver was bleeding profusely. They promptly rushed him to Deseret Hospital for medical attention, where he was successfully resuscitated.
The authorities are yet to initiate a formal investigation into the matter to ascertain the facts and identify the perpetrator responsible for the attack.
source: Ghana Web