In the town of Berekum, Bono Region, a devastating tragedy unfolded, claiming the life of a young soul. Alhassan Sulemana, a 16-year-old boy, met an untimely end on a fateful Saturday night, allegedly falling victim to a dreadful stabbing incident at a local pub. The perpetrators behind this heart-wrenching act were none other than twin brothers, Farouk and Harus.
The sorrowful event commenced with a simple misunderstanding between Alhassan and the twins. As tempers flared, an argument erupted, spiraling out of control. Witnesses recalled hearing loud shouts and hurried to intervene, hoping to quell the escalating tension.
Among those who rushed to the scene was Mohammed Sofian, who attempted to mediate the situation. Briefly stepping away, he likely held hope that the discord would subside. Tragically, that hope was shattered upon his return. Alhassan now lay wounded, having allegedly been stabbed by the twin brothers, who resorted to using a pair of scissors as their weapon of choice.
Despite the immediate efforts to save him, Alhassan’s injuries proved to be too severe, leading to his passing shortly after being taken to the Berekum Holy Family Hospital. The news of his demise sent waves of shock and grief throughout the community, leaving his loved ones and friends grappling with the unbearable loss.
As the community mourns, the twins, Farouk and Harus, have yet to be apprehended, fleeing from the scene of their alleged crime. Authorities are diligently working to track them down, driven by the pursuit of justice for the grieving family and the entire town.
Safia Sulemana, Alhassan’s mother, is enveloped in disbelief and immense anguish over her son’s tragic fate. The pain of losing her child under such violent circumstances is beyond comprehension. What makes it even more agonizing for Safia is the fact that Alhassan and the twins were once close friends, making this inexplicable act of violence all the more bewildering.
In response to this heartbreaking incident, Alhassan’s bereaved brother has taken the matter to the local police. Urging for a thorough investigation into the events that led to his brother’s death, he seeks answers, closure, and the promise that those responsible will be brought to justice.
As the town of Berekum remains united in grief, the memory of young Alhassan Sulemana lives on in their hearts, and they yearn for a future where such senseless acts of violence are but a distant memory.