A female contestant on The Sharks quiz competition aired on TV3 has stirred up social media chatter following the latest episode last Saturday.
During the contest, contestant Nana Ama was presented with a picture of a political personality by the quiz mistress and asked to identify them. The image displayed bore a striking resemblance to Nana Kwame Bediako, popularly known as Cheddar, the Founder of the New Force Movement.
However, Nana Ama mistakenly identified the individual in the image as Ignatius Kutu Acheampong, a former Ghanaian military officer and politician. Acheampong served as the military head of state of Ghana from January 13, 1972, to July 5, 1978, before being ousted in a coup.
Despite Nana Ama’s incorrect answer, her response has sparked discussions on social media platforms like X, with some users noting the resemblance between the two political personalities, particularly based on Cheddar’s attire in the image.